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EMAIL from Kerry today. Parking this to read later

Threshold and sustainable effort.
Worth a watch, 3mins from the Gu Endurance lab,
Mentioned during outro is "my goal is to move that threshold further up the curve"
Why this is important,
For an untrained/new athlete, their threshold is around 78%maxHR.
For a trained athlete we might see that up around the 85-86%maxHR.
While this is only a minor shift, remember that when you run/race you are operating in a 'window' between about 65%maxHR (easy/ultra-distance effort) through to that threshold.
Between 65-78% for untrained, between 65-86% for trained athletes. A window of around 10% for untrained, almost 20% for trained athletes. More window is more!
Imagine being able to run an ultra at 85%maxHR while operating in a near-infinite resource pool of oxygen as the primary fuel for your muscles.
How do we train to improve lactate threshold,
1) Speed work makes a difference. Take the example of 1km reps. During the effort your heart rate transitions up way above threshold into your anaerobic zone. When you recover it transitions back below threshold to a recovery zone. Then again into the rep....
It's the transitions through the zones, the duality of effort and recovery, that EVENTUALLY will help widen that window.
2) Threshold training. We don't do a lot of 'middle-speed' training due to the fatiguing effect of doing everything a little too hard, however, there is purpose to those M-Pace and Steady State sessions. Training around your threshold will let you dip in and out of that lactate zone which EVENTUALLY help to raise that threshold.
Happy running!


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